
The Company Christmas Party

Ron Terada, 2010

company Christmas party

It is very important to not make a fool out of yourself during the company Christmas party. This of course also includes your spouse or date if invited. A few pointers to surviving the party with grace and style are listed below:

Dress accordingly. As a woman don’t show up in your shortest skirt and the blouse with the lowest cut. Save those outfits for your private functions. As a man don’t wear a t-shirt advertising for a beer company.

Watch your drinking. The last thing you want is to embarrass yourself by losing your control or worse, pass out.

Be courteous and polite. It does not matter if your boss is drunk and behaves silly. Stay calm and deal with the situation in a calm matter.

Show off your good table manners.

If you love to talk, don’t forget to give others a change too. Also listen when they talk, especially when the boss has his speech, don’t interrupt.

Don’t flirt with everybody you like.

This evening is not the time to complain and bitch about your co-workers or the company.

Never use the company Christmas party as a first date.

Do not live broadcast the party on social media. Consider carefully what you post online if so inclined.

Have a designated driver.

If you truly do not want to attend the function, stay home.