Gift Wrapping

Simple, Pretty, and Inexpensive Gift Decoration

Snowflake Paper Cutout Gift Decoration
Christmas gift with paper snowflake
Christmas present wrapped, ribbon

Material: white paper for the snowflake, brown packaging paper, and cheap white ribbon

Wrap the gift with brown paper. Cut the white paper into a square. Ours was about the same size as the top of the box. At the end carefully wrap the ribbon around the gift and secure the snowflake.

trees in winter

My godson made that drawing when he was much smaller.


Paper Stars
paper star instructions
paper star, winter, instructions

A paper star on the window brings a touch of winter into any room. If you have the time, create an entire group.

gift wrapping with paper cutout, present decoration

Wrap a gift with a simple paper such as tissue paper like the one above, and use a paper star as decoration.

All instructions can be found here.