A Portrait of Santa Christopher in Boise, Idaho

Santa Christopher caught my attention when he found the Christmas Magazine on Instagram. I checked out his feed and I thought a little background into his life as Santa would be very interesting. After all we only see Santas in the mall, at the parades, at events or in movies. But we know little or nothing about what it takes to be a Santa. Therefore, please meet Santa Christopher from Boise, Idaho.
Question: When did you become Santa Christopher?
Santa Christopher: I became Santa Christopher in 2016. I began growing my beard out and was approached by a Santa and recruited to the Idaho Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas.

Q: How did you learn your job?
SC: I have learned how to be Santa from wonderful Santa mentors in IBRBS’s and online training courses.

Q: What’s your favorite Christmas cookie?
SC: My favorite Christmas Cookie is the last one I ate. (Is there a cookie that isn’t good?)
Q: You live in Boise, Idaho. It looks like a beautiful city. Is there usually snow in winter?
SC: Boise usually gets a little snow here in the valley. The mountains around us are always covered in the winter.

Q: You offer a variety of services. It includes Christmas parties, photos with Santa, surprise visits for children and grown ups, in store promotions, and so much more. Which one is your favorite job?
SC: My favorite job is Christmas Eve home visits. Arriving with gifts and getting to personally see the kids.

Q: You are a good-looking Santa and your suit is beautiful. Have you ever been hired by an advertising firm or a movie company?
SC: I have never worked for advertising or movie. Last year, I did commercial for a local hospital.
Q: Speaking of movies, what is your favorite Christmas movie?
SC: My favorite Christmas movie is The Santa Clause with Tim Allen. One that makes me laugh is Christmas Vacation.
Q: I imagine you have hundreds of heartwarming and delightful encounters with children every season. Is there one that stands out?
SC: The first time I appeared as Santa, a co-worker of Mrs. Claus came to see me with her 2-year-old granddaughter. She was the typical 2-year-old, hiding behind Mom and refusing to come near me. I began to talk to her about Dad’s farm and her new twin sisters. Her eyes grew wider the more I revealed that I knew of her. She never sat on my lap, but with Mom was able to sit beside me. Later, Mrs. Claus’ co-worked shared a story that on Christmas Eve, Dad was instructed to put the cookies and note to Santa in his truck. “Please leave the toys in here and we will get them.” Evidently, Santa knowing so much about you makes you afraid of him entering your house long after you are asleep.

Q: Did you ever have a sad encounter while on duty as Santa?
SC: Last year I had a home visit with a child who was spending their last Christmas due to recent diagnosis. It took all I had to keep my composure and be a Jolly Santa. I also take Tuesdays from my regular job during the month of December and do hospital visits which are both sad and happy. Visiting newborns and cancer patients alike.
Q: Was there ever an event that did not turn out as planned at all?
SC: I have never had an event turn out badly, maybe more or less people attended than planned on, but it generally all works out.
Q: Among all the work you have during December, is there time for you to enjoy the season with your loved ones? Or do you come home on Christmas Eve and fall asleep on the sofa next to the fireplace? However, I assume that you do celebrate Christmas. What traditions do you have at your house?

SC: My family actually is very involved in the business. Mrs. Claus keeps all my booking straight and she makes occasional appearances. My daughter Peppermint, The Elf, goes with me on big events. I tell the kids the story of how I was delivering presents to an orphanage in Guatemala and this baby crawled in my bag and Mrs. Claus fell in love with her, so we adopted her.
My daughter truly was adopted by my wife and I from an orphanage in Guatemala.
The whole family goes together on Christmas Eve visits. Mrs. Claus navigates, my elf and I deliver, and my son steals the packages. His wording for sneaking up to the door and getting the packages left outside for me to deliver. On Christmas Day, my family catches a plane for Kansas, where we spend the next few days with family.

Dear Santa, thank you so much for sharing a little bit of your life with us.
More about Santa Christopher:
For bookings visit the Website | For a bit of Santa spirit follow him on Instagram or Facebook