Picturesque Mountain Range Advent Calendars
Both of these Advent calendars have been created with much love and dedication. They are in PDF format for instant download, printing, cutting, scoring, folding, and glueing. After that each calendar item is ready to be filled. And then it can be gifted to a loved one.
Small Mountain Range
A Christmas countdown with snow capped mountains and Santa’s cabin. This calendar is from 2015 and it’s the oldest in the collection. To this day it still is the bestseller. The elements are easy to assemble. If printed on a light card paper and after Christmas carefully packaged away, the calendar can be reused for years to come. You can order it on Etsy.

Decorate the scene with fake snow or cotton snow to make it look more magical. And tiny lights add sparkle.

Large Mountain Range with Gondola
What was supposed to be an update of the above Advent calendar turned into a new product. Most mountains are larger, a gondola was added. The gondola should not be filled with anything heavy as it will cause the mountains to topple. Included in the PDF are small cards that fit into the gondola. They can be used as wish lists. Santa moved to a brand new gingerbread house. And to make it a bit more special, a Tudor style house was designed that can be personalized. The Advent calendar is available on Etsy.

Helpful tools to create the calendars:
X-Acto knife
Score board (The Score Board we used can be ordered on Amazon.)
Glue stick

Complete instructions are included on each PDF.