Paper Christmas Stars and a Moon
“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ”
― Norman Vincent Peale

These 3 dimensional German Christmas stars called Fröbelsterne are a traditional part of the Christmas decoration in Germany. I have tried to fold those for years but never managed to end up with a star but rather with a lot of frustration. Four year ago my German husband taught me how to make them, after he learned it from the following instructions. I love this tutorial because it uses coloured strips. Even if you do not use those colors, I suggest you mark the ends of each paper strip with the same colours. It is a big help to not get lost. And yes, it does take patience but the result is just beautiful!
Oh Holy Night – HomeTown
The paper strips used for the stars shown in these images were 17″ long and no wider than 0.65″. Please note that between images 16 and 17 is a step missing. By looking at image 17 it is easy to figure out though how to weave the strips.
Instructions for the German Christmas Star
Order paper strips to create German Christmas Stars

I finally found the instructions for a moon that fits well with the German stars. And the good news is that the folding of the moon is not as complex as the stars.

I attached a collection of the paper ornaments to a lamp shade. The first Christmas decoration of this year. It looks very pretty.