
Our Christmas Decorations in 2023, so sad

The Christmas season was different this year than usual. Completely different than usual. About 90% of the Christmas decorations are in the basement in Vancouver. I only took two smaller boxes and the nutcrackers that still fit in the car when we brought the most valuable things to Calgary. The apartment here looks like my staff room when I worked in the hotel industry.

Three nutcrackers by Ulbricht stand at the top of the bookshelf in the home office. The reason they aren’t prominently displayed in the living room like they usually are is that we’ve had a young, very active and inquisitive Yorkie since December first. It would break my heart if I suddenly discovered tooth marks in the wood.

There are dozens of Christmas books on the shelf. But they don’t count because they’re there all year round.

Also on the shelf is a glittery Eiffel Tower and large bells, objects I found in a box.

The cup with a New York motif was on the window shelf. The beautiful sculpture next to it is a souvenir that I found in a lovely shop last year in Leibzig, Germany.

This is our little dog Bruno in his office bed. We got this cute gnome that he dragged around the whole apartment.

In the living room on the sideboard was a bowl with a small mix of Christmas baubles.

For morning coffee we used two very nice cups to get you in the mood for the day.

The bedside lamp was adorned with a slightly broken glass star ornament, and a book with Christmas poetry.

We didn’t have a Christmas tree because we were house and dog sitting for friends at the Big House on the Hill over the holidays. Sometimes change is not a bad thing. We will appreciate the Christmas time even more after a skeleton season.

That was it. There was nothing else. This made putting the decorations away a lot quicker.