Wrapping a Party Dress Around a Bottle
The inspiration for the tissue paper colour came from the bottle label. The beauty about this wrapping idea is, that the strips move with every little draft. It’s very playful.

I buy a lot of wine based on label art. Now that we are housebound because of covid-19 I needed some liquid provisions as well. So I bought 4 bottles of red wine from Blasted Church Winery in Okanagan Falls, British Columbia. I needed some humor in my life to uplift my mood. Their label art is amazing and quite funny!

Material and Instruction
1 bottle to give away
1 sheet of tissue paper, cut to about 40 cm x 50 cm / 15″ x 20″
The bottle should be at room temperature. Fold the paper in half from 50cm long to 25cm / 15″ to 10″. Cut the paper into strips of 2 – 3 cm / 0.75 – 1.25″. Leave the top 4 cm / 1.5″ uncut. Loosely wrap the tissue paper around the bottle neck and tape at the end. Decorate with a bow.