Merry! Humbug!
Merry! Humbug is a playful set of six postcards. It consists of five cards with Santa Claus and one with Scrooge. After all, most of us have a favorite naughty person in our lives. These two illustrations are some of my favorites. The inspirations are obvious, it’s from T’was the Night Before Christmas and A Christmas Carol. One a poem form an American writer and the other a story by a famous British writer. These two classics are so different, but both of their main characters are integral parts of today’s traditional Christmas storytelling.

Postcards are a casual and fun way to send somebody a quick note the old fashioned way. Many people would argue that one has to get a stamp in order to do so. Yes, that’s correct. Just pick up a book of 10 next time you walk by a post office. And unlike anything electronic, the recipient can display it on the mantle with all the other Christmas mail, and later use the card as a bookmark.

Three of my most treasured Christmas ornaments.

Santa postcard

Scrooge postcard

“A merry Christmas, uncle! God save you!” cried a cheerful voice. It was the voice of Scrooge’s nephew, who came upon him so quickly that this was the first intimation he had of his approach.
“Bah!” said Scrooge, “Humbug!”
These postcards are available on my Etsy store. They come in virgin or 100% recycled card paper.
calla DESIGN – 2019
Made in Canada