Gift Wrapping

Marker Art Gift Wrap

marker doodles

abstract Sharpie gift wrapping paper

Want to have some fun, or release stress? Make some gift wrap. All you need is paper, markers, ribbon if desired, and some inspiration. A project that can be done with kids as well.
The idea came from some of the sketches I made.

Sharpie art gift wrap, gift wrap, do it yourself

The left paper is just a sheet with some random doodles. The box was then adorned with a satin ribbon and three adorable papier-mâché mushrooms.
The other paper was inspired by Marimekko’s flower pattern.

Sharpie art gift wrap, gift wrap, do it yourself

Sharpie art gift wrap, gift wrap, do it yourself

One of these papers has a XOXO pattern and the other rectangular boxes.

All of these gift wraps can easily be created. They are not necessarily your typical Christmas gift wrap, but with a little ornament or a gift tag it works just fine.