
Illustrations of Christmas Trees Inspired by Famous Artists

Creating illustrations is a hobby I enjoy very much. It’s an outlet where I can do whatever I feel like. Here are a few artist inspired Christmas trees. I came across some images on IG and thought to give it a try myself. And here are the results. It was a fun project.

A Christmas tree, the perfect symbol of a holiday that blends
the glitter of gold with the warmth of a cozy hearth.
– Unknown

Inspired by Yayoi Kusama

New York is the place that made my and other artists’ dreams come true by giving us a chance to realize our ideas and concepts.

Inspired by Henri Matisse

Look at life with the eyes of a child.

Inspired by Salvador Dalí

Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it.

Inspired by Pablo Picasso

It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.

Inspired by Gustav Klimt

Whoever wants to know something about me – as an artist which alone is significant –
they should look attentively at my pictures and there seek to recognize what I am and what I want.

Christmas tree illustrations, famous artists

Roy Lichtenstein

There must be something about art… almost all cultures have done art. It’s a refining of the senses, which are there to keep us alive.
As far as we know, no other animals do that.

Inspired by Piet Mondrian

Art is not made for anybody and is, at the same time, for everybody.