Bottle Recycling – Low Cost Chic Candle Holders

Even though the candle holders consist of empty bottles, it looks very festive. We used Christmas tree candles as they have the perfect size for the small bottle necks. The key is to keep everything on the table in white. To protect the table cloth from wax drippings, use vintage drip protectors or wrap tinsel pipe cleaners around the bottom of the candles. This also prevents the candles from falling into the bottles.
Removing the labels from the bottles can be a bit tricky depending on the beverage brand. Just don’t try to use the microwave to release them. I have tested that for you… it’s not a good idea.

As little decoration a lovely faux fur heart ornament was placed on the napkin. The hearts were from IKEA and the intention was for the guests to take it home. You can choose anything else even a small box of chocolates, a few homemade cookies in a lovely bag. Anything goes.

Should you have a beautiful wooden table, you could use brown or green bottles and red tree candles.

Candle light to me is still the most beautiful way to light a dining room during the dark days of winter. And if loved ones are sitting around the table, it can’t get any better.

There’s nothing wrong with starting an evening with a bit of sparkling wine.

Good night!
Here you find a similar idea in red.