24 Days of Gratitude – A Family Activity
I became a business owner in 2008 just days after the collapse of Lehmann Brothers. The business I bought did not have the best reputation. Needless to mention I had an extremely hard start. Day after day all but bad news on the radio and online. I had bills to pay and barely any customers. A few weeks into my business venture I decided I need to stop listening to the news.
And during that time, I also started to write down 3 good things that happened that day before I left the shop. It forced me to focus on the positive while keeping the negative, I had no control over, out of my daily life. This change was quite a healing experience. I can only recommend it.
You may ask why the above story is on a Christmas website. Well, while I created the 24 Days of Gratitude, I was reminded of the time in late 2008 and 2009. This is not an Advent calendar. It is a tool I developed that’s indented to help you and your loved ones to take a minute at the end of the day to reflect. Write on the card what stood out for you, what you were grateful for, or maybe an idea you had, a quote you read, something you achieved, or a short poem. Or maybe you love to sketch. Anything goes. There should be no judgment. At the end of each day you drop your card in your mailbox.
On December 24th or 25th the mailboxes are emptied together. It could be at the breakfast table, during an afternoon coffee break, or after dinner. Go through the days as a couple or a group and share what stood out for you that day. I truly believe writing a few words each day will slow down the time a bit and make it more meaningful.

You can share this Advent activity with your household members or friends. And since we are now all used to zoom meetings, participants can be anywhere in the world.
On Christmas Eve or any day during the holidays all participants gather in person or online. The mailboxes are emptied. And as a group you all share what was your most memorable or special occurrence that day starting with December 1st.
Reflecting on your own 24 days and listening to your loved one’s hopefully will instill some festive gratitude in everybody’s heart.
And if you are a parent, keep your kid’s cards. You can give them back to them once they are bit older. It hopefully will bring back wonderful memories of past Christmas seasons.
Merry Christmas!
The PDF is available for download here. It contains 4 mailboxes and 4 sets of 24 cards.

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